
Fatimazahra El Bachiri

Sales techniques trainer

250 MAD/H


Fatimazahra El Bachiri is a marketing consultant and the founder of the human-centered company FZ DOTCOM, specialized in communication and marketing. With a strong and diverse professional background, she is also a trainer in sales techniques and branding. Over the years, Fatimzahra has developed in-depth expertise in the field of marketing. She has collaborated with numerous startups and entrepreneurs, helping unlock their potential and build high-performing teams, all while promoting sustainable growth. With an innovative and creative spirit, Fatimzahra is passionate about sharing her knowledge. She is determined to assist others in succeeding in the realms of sales and negotiation. Through her proven skills, effective methods, and personalized approaches, she is committed to training professionals to reach their full potential and become key players in their own success.

Areas of Expertise:

Marketing strategy Sales techniques Digital marketing Social media

Services Offered:

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